Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sugar & Sodium

Uncle Chuckie, what is the daily limit for sugar and sodium intake?

It is indicated that the daily intake for sugar is 40g per a 2000 calorie diet and for sodium it's between 1500 and 3000 mg depending on your calorie intake between 2000 and 3000 calorie diet. There is bad and good sodium. The bad sodium is from processed foods(salt). Table salt is bleached and stripped of all of it's nutrients and chemical man made iodine is added to it. Natural sea salt has natural iodine and trace minerals that your body needs. It is better for you than table salt. Even when it comes to sea salt always read the label. Not all sea salt are equal. Do not buy Hain sea salt because it is not sea salt. The ingredients are; salt, calcium silicate which comes from limestone, potassium iodide which is an added salt, sodium bicarbonate which is added sodium and dextrose which is sugar. Sea salt ingredient should be sea salt. Table salt is not the only thing that adds unwanted sodium to your diet. A lot of ingredients in processed foods contains; sodium chloride, MSG(monosodium glutamine), sodium bicarbinate and sodium benzoate. Always read the label. Although too much sodium is bad for you not enough sodium is a problem too. Not enough can cause abdominal cramps, confusion, dehydration, depression, seizures, and a couple more things. Virtually all foods contain sodium, we just need to stay away from table salt and processed foods. Sodium is needed to maintain blood pH, proper water balance and for proper stomach, nerve and muscle function. We need a proper balance of sodium & potassium for good health and table salt robs you of your potassium and natural sea salt do not.
When it comes to sugar we need to stay away from white sugar. There are a few substitutes we can use to sweeten foods and drinks, like honey, maple syrup, date sugar, agave nectar, coconut sugar and turbinado sugar which is raw unprocessed sugar. And we also have our natural fruits. The only harmful sugar is processed white sugar.
We don't need to fear our sodium and sugar intake, just be more careful on the sugars and sodiums we put in our bodies.

Oral Cancer

Uncle Chuckie, can oral cancer be passed to another person by having oral sex?

No. Cancers develop in the cells and are not contagious like a virus or bacteria. However, you can develop oral cancer by having oral sex. An STD (sexually transmitted disease) called HPV (human papilloma virus) is known to cause cervical cancer in women  and is now thought to be a major cause of throat/oral cancer in men and one way HPV is passed is through oral sex. It is passed easier from a woman to a man than from a man to a woman. Having multiple sex partners and performing oral sex on those partners is a better the chance of contacting the virus.

That's why it is best when you are in a relationship is to be monogamous. It can save your live.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Water Pills

Uncle Chuckie, the doctor gave me some water pills. Do you know of any diuretics?

There are a few natural diuretics you can use. One thing I don't like about water pills is that instead of helping your body naturally rid itself of excess fluids, it forces it out. And there are a few side effect that goes along with it like; dizziness, muscle cramps and weakness, increase blood sugar, stomach problems like gas, nausea and vomiting, rash, and they also decrease the amount of potassium in the blood.
Apple cider vinegar, celery and dandelion leaf are high in potassium and have good diuretic properties. Tomatoes releases excessive body fluids and increase metabolism.
Cranberry juice helps maintain pH levels and good for kidney function.
Brussels sprouts stimulates the kidneys and pancreas.
Parsley, juniper berries and uva ursi stimulates the kidneys and flushes out excessive fluids.
Watermelon has plenty of natural water and potassium and helps to eliminate toxins.
Cucumbers also has plenty of natural water and they stimulate the kidneys also.
Green tea is a great diuretic.
Beets attack body fat and fatty deposits.
A lymphatic massage will help to move lymph flow and improve body circulation and help the body rid itself of excessive fluids and toxins.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. The first thing you should do when you wake up in the morning is to drink at least 8oz of water to hydrate your organs.
Exercise and meditate.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blood Pressure & Stroke

Uncle Chuckie, I just left the doctor's office and he checked my blood pressure and said that I might get a stroke. Now I'm afraid to go to sleep now.

Did the doctor talk to you about your situation or lifestyle?

No. He just gave me a prescription.

First of all, relax. Stress and worry can build your blood pressure. Try to get the word stroke off your mind. There are a few things that can raise your blood pressure. Lifestyle and diet. White foods like white sugar, white flour, table salt, white rice and shortening will raise your pressure. Others foods that can raise your pressure because of the cholesterol are meats and dairy products, margarine's and canola oils. Our bodies already have cholesterol in it and when we eat meats and dairy products, we put the cholesterol from the animals into our bodies and it can almost double our cholesterol. A lot of pharmaceutical drugs will raise your pressure. Drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, migraine headache medications, appetite suppressants and decongestants like Sudafed raises the blood pressure because the body sees them as a toxin/foreign agent and speeds up the blood flow to rush the toxins through the heart, which makes the heart work unnecessarily hard. Acidic beverages also raise our pressure like, soda pop, beer, coffee and milk. The reason why high blood pressure can cause a stroke is when the blood speeds up because of toxins and too much cholesterol blocking the vessels, which makes the heart work harder and speeds up the blood going through it, the vessel in the brain breaks or erupts causing the stroke. Not only changing your diet by cutting down or cutting out eating meats and dairy products, we need to eat a more healthier diet. Plenty of fruits and vegetables, juices and plenty of water(alkali and/or distilled). Cook with oils like olive, safflower, sunflower and grapeseed. Herbs that will lower the blood pressure are hawthorne berries, ginger root, angelica(dong quai), cayenne, blessed thistle, cinnamon, ginko biloba, prickly ash bark, white oak bark and gotu kola. The best exercises for lower blood pressure is walking, cycling, yoga and meditation.
The hearts do not fail us, we fail our hearts. Negative emotions can build our pressure. Even using phrases like; I have a broken heart, I've closed the door to my heart, I'm afraid to open my heart, love doesn't live here anymore, etc. Being in love makes a healthy heart. So does happiness and laughter. Caring about ourselves and others build a healthy heart. Worrying, anger and being upset helps destroy our heart. Your body remembers what you say and reacts to. The heart represents Love, trust, caring, compassion, giving and receiving.
The Father speaks to us through our hearts and if we continue to destroy our hearts we can stop listening to what He has to tell us.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Color of Jesus

Uncle Chuckie, If Jesus was a black man why is it in all of his pictures he is white? Was Jesus white or black?

Well, number one. There is no such thing as a black man. Man comes in all different shades. When the Spaniards saw a dark skinned man, they saw a negative figure and called them El Negros meaning the blacks. And the word black has always been used in negative terms; black mark, black list,  black mail, black balled, the unlucky black cat, etc.
The description of Jesus(Yahshua in Hebrew) in the Book of Revelations as a man with hair like white wool and feet like fine brass or bronze could describe the image of any type of deity. When I was growing up they had movies of Greek gods like Apollo, Zeus, Helios and Poseidon who had white woolly hair and feet of bronze. To figure out the shade of The Christ you would have to go down his genealogy, his family. Yahshua was a descendant of David and often referred to as a Son of David. David is the only person in the bible where they described his complexion. He is described as having ruddy skin and bright eyed. Back then ruddy meant the color of coral or rubies. Which meant David was lighter than his brothers. And like the majority of light skinned men, they love dark skinned women. When David saw Bathsheba across the way bathing, he could not help himself and needed to have her. If you read the story of David in 1 Samuel, you will read how he ended up marrying Bathsheba. They had a son named Solomon who was just like his father and loved dark skinned women. Mostly all of the people in the bible were people of dark skinned people. If you read 1 Cor. 11:14, Paul's states; "Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a shame/disgrace to him". So if it is a disgrace or shame to man to have long hair, why would the only perfect man to walk the face of this earth have hair down to his shoulders.
We are not to have any pictures of Jesus or The Father or angels anyway. The second commandment states; You should not make yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, the earth beneath or the waters under the earth. I feel He put that in the commandments because if you notice today, that when so many people have problems they first grasp the cross they have or look at a picture of an earthly man or turn to figurines of what they feel are angels first before they go directly to The Father in the name of Jesus(Yahshua) the Christ. They feel they need images and pictures in their homes to feel that they are blessed and protected not realizing that already have the blessing and the protection with them where ever they are. We don't need images or figurines.
So, don't consider yourself a black man. You are a Man. A son of The Father!


Uncle Chuckie, I have gout in my foot. What can I do to get rid of it?

As you know gout is caused by the rise is uric acid in the body. Some of the cause for the rise of uric acid is crash dieting, certain medications, overeating, stress, beer and other alcoholic beverages. Some foods that rises uric acid levels are sardines in oil, anchovies, organ meats like liver, gizzards and chitterlings. Even our lifestyle can contribute to the rise of uric acid. Lack of flexibility, stubbornness in the way you view the future and life, also a strong dislike of someone or a situation which causes stress.
Some ways to help lower uric acid is change in diet and lifestyle changes. A full body detox will lower your uric acid level. I like Daily Multi-Detox Program by Renew Life. Using an herbal blend from Nature's Way called Bladder & Kidney will rid your kidneys of uric acid and will strengthen your kidney and bladder. There are two hebal blends to help maintain correct levels of uric acid, one is by Solaray called Total Cleanse Uric Acid and another is Deodorex by Quality of Life Labs. Enemas will also reduce the levels. My favorite is to add 2-4oz of chlorophyll to the enema water. A sea salt enema is good also. If you use sea salt, add the sea salt to the water add let it dissolve before you put it in the enema bag. Or just a plain water enema will help. Use distilled or alkaline water and not tap water. Drink plenty of distilled water and/or alkaline water. Add an ounce of lemon juice to your water will help alkali your body. Eat plenty of dark green foods like kale, spinach, collar greens and broccoli. Dark berries, red cherry juice, flaxseed oil and olive oil is great. Omega fatty acids from tuna, salmon, halibut, flounder, pecans and hazel nuts are good.
Regular exercises is good too. Stop worrying about things you have no control over and start thinking more positively and create a better attitude.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Super Fruits and Vegetables

Uncle Chuckie, What are some other super fruits and veggies?

You know the old saying, "The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice"? That saying is true in more ways than one. Dark fruit like black and blueberries, dark cherries, strawberries, concord grapes, raspberries, elderberries, etc. have antioxidants that help fight diseases like cancers, tumors etc. They also have a good amount of potassium and vitamins C, E, B-complex, iron, calcium and fiber. Other fruits that are more so new to this country, Goji berries, Mangosteen, Noni and Acai are very high in antioxidants that supports a healthy immune system, healthy blood sugar levels, healthy liver function and healthy cardiovascular system. As with the other dark fruits.
Dark green vegetables are healthier than their lighter counterparts. Kale, spinach, broccoli, parsley, brussels sprouts and collar greens have an excellent amount of vitamins K, D, E, C & A, chlorophyll, folate, fiber, iron and calcium.
I personally eat organic fruits and veggies for the lack of pesticides, hormones and synthetic fertilizers. The saying, 'you are what you eat', is true. The phrase, Super fruits & Super vegetables is more of a sales ploy than anything else. All we have to do is to eat more fruits and veggies.
And remember, "The darker the fruit & veggie, the sweeter/healthier the juice".

Almond Milk Expiration Date

Uncle Chuckie, I have at least 3 cartons of Almond Milk in my fridge with an expiration date of Mar. 18, 2011. How long after the expiration date can I use them?

Most cartons of Almond Milk has a 'best by' date and not an expiration date. I would not use my almond milk no longer than 2-5 days after 'best by' date. Since they are opened there is still a chance, although slim, of bacteria contamination. Once it becomes cloudy and the taste changes it is time to throw it out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Uncle Chuckie, how do I get rid of boils? They go from my upper legs to my buttocks.

The main cause of boils is a poor diet. A high acid diet causes mucus and pus to build in your body and it becomes toxic and your body tries to get rid of the pus through the skin. Boil are very contagious and should stay covered at all times. Cover the boils with gauze. Do not use adhesive bandages, they tend to aggravate the boils. First, you need to change your diet. Try to eliminate fast foods and cut down a lot on red meats and dairy products. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a plus. Drink a lot of distilled water, half your body weight. If you weigh 160 lbs. you should drink at least 80 ounces of distilled water. A sea salt soak will help heal your boils. Run a tub a tub of water about as hot as you can stand it and put approx. 16oz of sea salt in the water. Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil and/or 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to the bath. Take about 8-16oz of cold water in the bathroom with you and sip on it as you soak. Listen to some relaxing music while you soak to help your body relax and dispel the toxins. Slowly drain the tub and after the water drains, rinse yourself down in the shower with the water a few degrees cooler than the bath water. Use Nubian Heritage Lemongrass & Tea Tree soap to wash yourself off with. You can get the soap from almost any Beauty Supply stores. Continue to use the soap everyday until the boils go away. Soak at least a couple times a week. Use an onion compress. Put slices of onions between some gauze and tape it to the boils and leave on for a couple of hours about two times a day. You can put a couple of drops of Colloidal Silver on the boils and you can also put Tea Tree oil on the boils to dissolve them. A warm compress will help.
You also need to cleanse your blood. I like an herbal cleanser called Red Clover Cleanser by Planetary Herbals. You take 2 tablets two times a day between meals. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and don't forget plenty of water. Add some lemon juice to your water to help rid the acidity and balance the alkaline. Try to stay away from white sugar and white flour. Cut down considerably on your sweets/junk food intake.
Also where the boils are represents frustration, anguish, anger, humility and direction. Relax! Relax and be Patient. Change your diet and your lifestyle.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Marriage License

Uncle Chuckie, I heard that you really don't need a marriage license to get married. Is that true?

Yes, it is true. A license is not needed to have a legal marriage. Let's look at the meaning of these words or phrases;
Marriage - to join as husband and wife(Webster's dictionary); legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife(Black's law dictionary); a divine institution, designed to form a permanent union between man and woman that they might be helpful to one another(Unger's bible dictionary); a man leaves his father and mother and becomes united to his wife and they become one flesh(Gen. 2:24).
License - formal or legal permission to do something specified(Wester's dictionary); the permission by competent authority to do an act which, without permission, would be illegal, a trespass or a tort(Black's law dictionary).
Marriage license - a license or permission granted by public authority to persons who intend to intermarry, usually addressed to the minister or magistrate who is to perform the ceremony(Black's law dictionary).
Intermarry - to become connected by marriage of different clans, races, etc.(Webster's dictionary); mixture of races, marriage between persons of different races(Black's law dictionary).
The only thing that is needed for a legal marriage along with the couple(man and woman), is a minister, two witnesses and their signatures in the family bible. The minister need to complete a marriage certificate and give a copy to the married couple and the state.
If there is a license, you are not only marrying your mate you are also marrying the state. That's why the state has jurisdiction over your family life during that marriage. If you go for a marriage license the state has the right to tell you if can marry your mate or not.
You have a spiritual right to marry and you don't need to get permission from the state to perform God given right.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ulcers & Kidney

Uncle Chuckie, What do you recommend for an ulcer and kidney disease?

For an ulcer I would suggest leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, cilantro, collar greens (cooked without the pork or red meat), etc. Drinking cabbage juice, about 2 to 4 oz per day will help heal an ulcer. Also whole leaf aloe vera gel would help to heal an ulcer. Take as directed, approx. 1 tablespoon up to three times a day. Vitamin K is needed not only to aid in the healing, it will help in blood clotting to help a bleeding ulcer. You get vitamin K from the leafy (dark) green vegetables as listed above. I also like a  supplement by Futurebiotics called Vital K. Herbs to help with an ulcer are; White Oak Bark, Goldenseal, Solomon's Seal, Cayenne, Slippery Elm Bark, Birch, Ginger the mint family-Peppermint, Spearmint and Wintergreen, White and Black Willow Bark. The mints, the willow barks and the birch used as anti-inflammatory. Goldenseal should never be used for a prolong period. Cayenne should be used sparingly because it is hot and will aggravate the ulcer a little. Marshmallow Root extract(non-alcohol)will help heal an ulcer also. I suggest taking about 60 drops per day on an empty stomach.
For the kidneys, Juniper Berries will rejuvenate and heal the kidneys. There is a blend of herbs that I like from Nature's Way called Bladder & Kidney that's works well. This blend should not be taken for no more than thirty days then stop for a couple of weeks. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. To get the suggested water intake per day is to divide your weight by two and drink that amount in ounces. I would suggest a little more when dealing with your kidneys.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Uncle Chuckie, I just had an MRI and the doctor said that I should drink a lot of water to clean out my kidneys. Is there anything else I can do?

Yes. There is a supplement from Nature's Way called Kidney/Bladder. It contains Juniper Berries, Uva Ursi, Parsley. Ginger root, Marshmallow, Goldenseal and Cramp bark. Juniper berry is an herb that helps to rejuvenate and heal the kidneys. And it being complimented with Uva Ursi, Parsley and Ginger is an excellent combination. And make sure you drink plenty of water. Take the capsules as directed for at least two weeks and afterwards continue to drink plenty of water.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Juicing for Lent

Uncle Chuckie, I'm going to be juicing during lent. What protein powder do would you recommend for an older woman so I can keep my vitality up?

There are a couple of brands that I like. Both are plant derived proteins and the right blend of amino acids. The one I favor is Raw Protein by Garden of Life. It is all organic, has only 1g of fat and only 1% sodium. The other is Pure Green protein by Vibrtant Health. It is mostly organic with only 1.6g of fat and 8.13% sodium.
When it comes to juicing I love my Odwella juices. The Superfood is all fruit and vegetables, not from concentrate. They also have a variety of protein drinks. I also like Naked brand juices. Their green drink is not from concentrate either. They have a couple of protein drinks too. Odwella and Naked protein drinks are soy and whey derived. One thing I'm not too crazy about with Naked other juices is that they contain natural flavors, what ever they may be. When I see natural flavors I would like to see natural blueberry flavors or natural cherry flavors not just natural flavors. Lakewood has good organic juices that are not from concentrate that I enjoy also.

Enjoy your lenten fasting. The Father has more instore and more planned for you.

Plenty of Spiritual Love!!