Thursday, April 21, 2011


Uncle Chuckie, what is the best way to start new habits?

First, you should work on ridding yourself of your bad habits. Habits like smoking, cussing, drinking, letting things you have no control over bother you, etc. Look at what causes those habit and what you are doing when you're committing them. Is it every time you finish eating you light up a cigarette? Try after you finish eating put a pen in your hand and write something good that happened to you that day or something that has been bothering you that you want to rectify or write a poem. When you hear yourself cussing, especially during regular conversation, listen to yourself as you speak, catch that word and replace it. Then start improving your vocabulary by reading. And do not read street books that uses the same language that you use. Read religious books, reference books, romance/poetry books, healing books, etc.
1st day - You're walking down a street and you fall into a deep hole and you're mad because there is a hole in the street.
2nd day - You go down the same street and you forget about the hole and fall into it again. Now you're mad because they haven't fixed it yet.
3rd day - You know there is a hole in the street yet you walk down the street anyway and fall in the hole and you're mad at yourself.
4th day - You walk down that street again and fall into that same hole out of habit.
5th, 6th & 7th day - Same thing.
8th day - You decide to go down another street. You like it. You're happy and Love that route.
9th day - You go down the old street and fall into the hole.
What has this story have to do with starting new habits? Look at yourself and see what you do out of habit that hurts yourself. When you purposely hurt yourself you hurt others. Now look at the things you do that make you feel good. When you're feeling good you make/help others feel good. Work diligently on things that make you feel your best then use that to make others feel their best. It will become habitual. You will then start walking down the beautiful street out of habit and work on keeping others from walking down the street with the hole and steer them down the beautiful path.
Isn't it strange on how we can make it so easy to develop bad habits and so difficult to develop the good ones when it should be the other way around.

1 comment:

  1. JaH Blessings to needed to read such encouraging and motivating Truths... I'm so excited
