Uncle Chuckie, what can I do help my loss of bone density?
There are two things you should incorporate into your life. A load-bearing or weight-bearing exercise program and a change of diet.
The muscle pulling on the bone action of load-bearing exercises causes increase in bone mass. Load-bearing exercises include; weight lifting, jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing and sports like; basketball, football, baseball & softball, volleyball, racket ball and tennis. Any exercise or sport that require your muscles to work against gravity. These exercises should be done at least three times a week and thirty minutes a day. It do not have to be thirty straight minutes, it could be ten minutes three times a day.
Your diet should include dark green leafy vegetables, chestnuts, hazelnuts, kelp, broccoli, black strap molasses, oats, salmon, sea vegetables (seaweed, etc.), sesame seeds, flax seeds, sesame butter, etc. Try to eat whole grain and calcium enrich foods at different times, because whole grains contain a substance that binds with calcium and prevents its uptake. Calcium is best taken at bedtime because your body absorbs it better and it aids in sleeping. Yeast is high in phosphorus which fights with calcium for absorption by the body. Vitamin D need to be taken along with calcium to assist with your bone mass and absorption. Alfalfa, barley grass, black cohosh, dandelion root, nettle, parsley, poke root, rose hips & yucca help build strong bones. Horsetail and oat straw contain silica, which helps the body absorb calcium.
Things to stay away from are; meats, processed foods, fast foods & too much sodium. Sodium fluoride, carbonated drinks & too much caffeine help deplete the body of calcium. Soy, beans, peas and lentils supply proteins and green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. Some studies show that women who eat a vegetarian diet experience less bone loss than women who consume meat.
Eat right, stay active and exercise. Not only will it help you build stronger bones, it could also reverse the affect of bone lose.
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