Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stress & Arthritis

Uncle Chuckie, I was wondering what effect stress has on arthritis? I have been having almost crippling pain in my knees. I wonder if the stress is contributing to this problem.

Yes. Stress is the contributing factor in almost every dis-ease and dis-comfort.
Your body reacts to stressors universally. The seriousness of the problem that you are going through will make your body respond more dramatically. Thoughts and internalized feelings are very powerful and they manifest themselves physically all the time with symptoms of inflammation.
With all the other factors contributing to inflammation, coping with stress and emotional pain is often overlooked, however it’s really important. And it can play a big part in restoring your immune system’s balance before it gets overloaded.
You need to learn how to deal with your stress and stop reacting to it.
A lot of things that happen to us can seem traumatic, consciously and subconsciously. How we deal with those things determine our future, emotionally and physically.
Stress can seem so difficult to deal with, yet it is very simple. The most difficult part is leaving what we went through behind. Stress, the immune system, arthritis, and depression are linked through the production of a key hormone called corticotrophin-releasing hormone. Arthritis is partly the result of hormone overproduction in response to stress. The immune system does not work properly and the body physically attacks itself in the joints and the defense response is very poor. The result is the inflammatory disease of rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, people who get rheumatoid arthritis experience higher incidences of depression. It’s probably because of the close relationship of too much stress and its effect on the immune system.
The number one way to deal with stress is relaxation. Relaxing the mind relaxes the body and relaxing the body relaxes the mind. Massage can play a big role in alleviating the symptoms of both stress and arthritis. Kneading, rubbing and stroking the muscles, ligaments and tendons create relaxation that restores balance to the delicate body. Massage therapy is one of the best antidotes for stress.
A massage kneads and soothes the area around a joint to relieve the tension in the muscle. By doing so, the joint pain is reduced as swelling goes down. A massage stimulates the immune system which is an integral part of skin as much as of internal organs.
Moving the muscles and surrounding areas of the joints, circulation of blood and lymph is improved. This increases toxin removal from the body. Toxins affect joint operation and exposure is constant through food and air chemicals that are ingested. A massage is a non-medicinal therapy that can relieve painful arthritis symptoms. Arthritis and massage therapy appear to be unrelated terms, but arthritic suffering can be greatly reduced by gentle kneading and stretching of the muscles and tissue surrounding the joint.
The benefits of a massage are;

Stress relief
Increased circulation
Increased flexibility
Decreased inflammation
Decreased pain
Decreased joint stiffness
Increased feelings of wellness
Decreased muscle aches
If even the untrained hands of a friend or partner can soothe aches and pains, and diminish anxiety, then imagine the effect of a therapeutic massage by a trained practitioner. The rituals of massage come as a welcome break from our hurried lives: dimmed lights, soothing music, the pleasant fragrance of a mild oil or candle - even without massage, these can help you relax. Stress relieving essential oils are Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Vanilla, and Ylang Ylang. I like NOW products skin care oils. My favorite is Lavender Almond Massage Oil. I also like the Comforting Massage Oil. If you don’t want a scent in your oil I also like the Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil and Jojoba Oil. And they are the most affordable oils out there. You can add stress relieving essential oils to you bath water to help you relax also. I am not crazy about soaking in Epsom salts because it dries the skin. I like Batherapy Brand mineral salts to soak with. When I’m in pain I like the original Batherapy which has a mint aroma, and when I just want to relax I use Lavender Batherapy. You can use a the essential oils in a diffuser and let the aroma of the oils relax you with your favorite soft music. Chamomile, Catnip, Passionflower, Siberian Ginseng, Don Quai, Lavender, Kava Kava, Clove St. Johns Wort, Valerian Root and Skullcap are good herbs to help relieve stress. If you use Valerian, use it when your day is done and don’t use it for a prolong period because it will relax you a little more than the rest.
Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. It causes pain and stiffness, swelling, deformity, and/or a diminished range of motion. Bone spurs/growth may develop in the affected areas. RA or rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. An overactive immune system can be just as harmful as a weak one. RA is a self-acting dis-ease which means that the immune system is literally attacking itself. The body’s immune system identifies the synovial membrane as a foreign agent and attacks it causing inflammation resulting in damaged cartilage and tissues in and around the joints. Synovial fluids lubricates the linings of joint and the sheaths or covers of tendons. Arthritis can be reversible and curable with proper diet and lifestyle changes. These simple changes can not only relieve the inflammation and pain, it can also stop degeneration and rejuvenate the affected joints. Lifestyle adjustments that can help are;
Low-impact exercise such as swimming or water therapy
Yoga or pilates for flexibility
Strength training for stronger muscles
Massage to improve circulation in muscles and joints
Splints, supports or orthotics when participating in exercise or engaging in daily activities
Avoid staying in the same position for extended periods of time
Avoid movement that places extra strain on the affected areas
You should do a detox. A product I like is called Organic Total Body Cleanse by Renew Life. It will cleanse your blood, liver, kidneys and colon. Bromelain which is an enzyme found in the juice and stems of pineapples reduces inflammation. Do not eat frozen or canned pineapples because freezing and canning destroys the Bromelain enzyme. Eat more sulfur-containing foods, like asparagus, eggs, garlic and onions. Sulfur is needed to repair and rebuild bone, cartilage, and connective tissue, and it also aids in the absorption of calcium. Eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Tart cherries can relieve pain and inflammation. Drink plenty of water preferably distilled and/or alkaline. The first thing that should go into your body in the morning is between 8-10 oz of water. Eat foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as cold water fish, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and soybeans. Flaxseed oil, about a tablespoon a day, will lubricate the joints and lessen stiffness and joint pain. Noni juice can help relieve the pain of arthritis.
Herbs that are anti-inflammatory in nature can help heal arthritis. These herbs include:
White and Black Willow Bark
Balm of Gilead.
Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects. Cayenne contain a compound called capsaicin that relieves pain. Mix cayenne powder with enough wintergreen oil to make a paste and apply to painful joints. Cayenne can also be taken internally. Solaray has a product called Cayenne & Ginger that not only would help relieve pain and is anti-inflammatory, it also cleanses the blood and helps with blood circulation.
Other herbs known to help with arthritis are:
Devil's Claw
Boswellia (Frankincense)
Uva Ursi
Mullein leaves
Cayenne pepper
Organic sulfur, commonly called MSM Sulfur
I like Joints Mobility Factors by Michael's. You can also use Hyaluronic Acid, which your body makes itself. Your body might not be producing enough to lubricate your joints so you can take Hyaluronic Acid supplements.
Apply a healing salve directly on the problem areas made from:
a base butter or oil such as shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut, olive, or almond oil (or any other good oil)
add 10-15 drops of the following essential oils:
Cut down on your meat and dairy eating and other acidic foods. Cold water fish like salmon, trout, etc. are alkaline foods that should be added to your diet.
The number one thing is relaxation for both stress and arthritis.

I wish you the best.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bone Density

Uncle Chuckie, what can I do help my loss of bone density?
There are two things you should incorporate into your life. A load-bearing or weight-bearing exercise program and a change of diet.
The muscle pulling on the bone action of load-bearing exercises causes increase in bone mass. Load-bearing exercises include; weight lifting, jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing and sports like; basketball, football, baseball & softball, volleyball, racket ball and tennis. Any exercise or sport that require your muscles to work against gravity. These exercises should be done at least three times a week and thirty minutes a day. It do not have to be thirty straight minutes, it could be ten minutes three times a day.
Your diet should include dark green leafy vegetables, chestnuts, hazelnuts, kelp, broccoli, black strap molasses, oats, salmon, sea vegetables (seaweed, etc.), sesame seeds, flax seeds, sesame butter, etc. Try to eat whole grain and calcium enrich foods at different times, because whole grains contain a substance that binds with calcium and prevents its uptake. Calcium is best taken at bedtime because your body absorbs it better and it aids in sleeping. Yeast is high in phosphorus which fights with calcium for absorption by the body. Vitamin D need to be taken along with calcium to assist with your bone mass and absorption. Alfalfa, barley grass, black cohosh, dandelion root, nettle, parsley, poke root, rose hips & yucca help build strong bones. Horsetail and oat straw contain silica, which helps the body absorb calcium.
Things to stay away from are; meats, processed foods, fast foods & too much sodium. Sodium fluoride, carbonated drinks & too much caffeine help deplete the body of calcium. Soy, beans, peas and lentils supply proteins and green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. Some studies show that women who eat a vegetarian diet experience less bone loss than women who consume meat.
Eat right, stay active and exercise. Not only will it help you build stronger bones, it could also reverse the affect of bone lose.