Uncle Chuckie, What can I do to get off this three times a day insulin and CPAP machine?
It is a good chance that the sleep apnea developed from having diabetes. A disorder of carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism is a result of a reflective or complete lack of insulin. Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone which makes diabetes a hormonal problem. Your hormonal system is out of balance and must be addressed. Most of our internal glands have a function of secreting(to produce and discharge something). With diabetes the duct in the pancreas is clogged because of hardened mucus around it. This prevents secretion of insulin. Since the duct of the pancreas is clogged, it is unable to secrete insulin into the blood stream to regulate the sugar in the blood and converts it into fat. This is linked to a non-functioning colon which makes it protrude and press against an already non-functioning pancreas. The excess fat in the body hampers the circulation of blood, oxygen and minerals throughout the body, especially the hands and feet. Pharmaceutical insulin was derived from cows and pigs now it is synthetic human insulin which also inhibits circulation and destroys the kidneys. Refined sugar destroys the pancreas. Try using stevia, raw(turbinado) sugar, blackstrap molasses, agave nectar, maple syrup, raw honey and/or date sugar. Stay away from bad oils like canola, cottonseed and peanut & soybean due to allergies. The best oils are extra virgin olive oil, sesame seed, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower and almond oils. Cut down or out meat eating, diary products, refined grains(white flour, white rice, white bread, degermed cornmeal, etc.). Meat converts to uric acid and dairy products convert to lactic acid. Alcoholic beverages is converted from sugar and should be avoided. Start using whole grains like brown rice, barley, rye, whole wheat flour, oatmeal, wild rice, etc. mushrooms, nuts & seeds.
Chromium nourishes the pancreas. It is found in broccoli, real grape juice, basil, potatoes(mashed) green beans and also in supplements. Fenugreek seeds will help dissolve the mucus around the pancreas. Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil will help dispel mucus. Goldenseal, fringetree bark and elecampane provides bio insulin to the pancreas. Use goldenseal sparingly because excess use can become toxic. One of the best herbs for the pancreas is devil's claw. Licorice root is a good for hormonal and glandular systems and will help normalize blood sugar. Cinnamon is good for blood sugar and along with ginger and cayenne is excellent for the circulation. Bilberry and blueberries is great for the eyes.
The best food is green(string) beans because the provide natural insulin and brussel sprouts is also great. Both of them would be better if you add them in your juicer. Kidney beans are great for the kidneys and so are juniper berries, uva ursi and parsley.
With sleep apnea a full body detox will reboot and refresh the body. Then a lung and respiratory cleanse should follow. RenewLife makes great products for both of these. MSM(sulphur) is great too. Chamomile, valerian and catnip teas will help. Sea salt gargles will shrink the tonsils. The worst sleeping position is on the back. If you sleep on your back have a pillow or two under your feet to raise your feet above your heart to help circulation.
Relax! Try to rid yourself of emotional pain. Breathing exercises are great. Soak in steamy water and add essential oils of tea tree, lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus. Get full body massages. Exercise and Relax!
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