Saturday, April 30, 2011

Diabetes & Sleep Apnea

Uncle Chuckie, What can I do to get off this three times a day insulin and CPAP machine?

It is a good chance that the sleep apnea developed from having diabetes. A disorder of carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism is a result of a reflective or complete lack of insulin. Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone which makes diabetes a hormonal problem. Your hormonal system is out of balance and must be addressed. Most of our internal glands have a function of secreting(to produce and discharge something). With diabetes the duct in the pancreas is clogged because of hardened mucus around it. This prevents secretion of insulin. Since the duct of the pancreas is clogged, it is unable to secrete insulin into the blood stream to regulate the sugar in the blood and converts it into fat. This is linked to a non-functioning colon which makes it protrude and press against an already non-functioning pancreas. The excess fat in the body hampers the circulation of blood, oxygen and minerals throughout the body, especially the hands and feet. Pharmaceutical insulin was derived from cows and pigs now it is synthetic human insulin which also inhibits circulation and destroys the kidneys. Refined sugar destroys the pancreas. Try using stevia, raw(turbinado) sugar, blackstrap molasses, agave nectar, maple syrup, raw honey and/or date sugar. Stay away from bad oils like canola, cottonseed and peanut & soybean due to allergies. The best oils are extra virgin olive oil, sesame seed, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower and almond oils. Cut down or out meat eating, diary products, refined grains(white flour, white rice, white bread, degermed cornmeal, etc.). Meat converts to uric acid and dairy products convert to lactic acid. Alcoholic beverages is converted from sugar and should be avoided. Start using whole grains like brown rice, barley, rye, whole wheat flour, oatmeal, wild rice, etc. mushrooms, nuts & seeds.
Chromium nourishes the pancreas. It is found in broccoli, real grape juice, basil, potatoes(mashed) green beans and also in supplements. Fenugreek seeds will help dissolve the mucus around the pancreas. Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil will help dispel mucus. Goldenseal, fringetree bark and elecampane provides bio insulin to the pancreas. Use goldenseal sparingly because excess use can become toxic. One of the best herbs for the pancreas is devil's claw. Licorice root is a good for hormonal and glandular systems and will help normalize blood sugar. Cinnamon is good for blood sugar and along with ginger and cayenne is excellent for the circulation. Bilberry and blueberries is great for the eyes.
The best food is green(string) beans because the provide natural insulin and brussel sprouts is also great. Both of them would be better if you add them in your juicer. Kidney beans are great for the kidneys and so are juniper berries, uva ursi and parsley.
With sleep apnea a full body detox will reboot and refresh the body. Then a lung and respiratory cleanse should follow. RenewLife makes great products for both of these. MSM(sulphur) is great too. Chamomile, valerian and catnip teas will help. Sea salt gargles will shrink the tonsils. The worst sleeping position is on the back. If you sleep on your back have a pillow or two under your feet to raise your feet above your heart to help circulation.
Relax! Try to rid yourself of emotional pain. Breathing exercises are great. Soak in steamy water and add essential oils of tea tree, lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus. Get full body massages. Exercise and Relax!         

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Uncle Chuckie, what is the best way to start new habits?

First, you should work on ridding yourself of your bad habits. Habits like smoking, cussing, drinking, letting things you have no control over bother you, etc. Look at what causes those habit and what you are doing when you're committing them. Is it every time you finish eating you light up a cigarette? Try after you finish eating put a pen in your hand and write something good that happened to you that day or something that has been bothering you that you want to rectify or write a poem. When you hear yourself cussing, especially during regular conversation, listen to yourself as you speak, catch that word and replace it. Then start improving your vocabulary by reading. And do not read street books that uses the same language that you use. Read religious books, reference books, romance/poetry books, healing books, etc.
1st day - You're walking down a street and you fall into a deep hole and you're mad because there is a hole in the street.
2nd day - You go down the same street and you forget about the hole and fall into it again. Now you're mad because they haven't fixed it yet.
3rd day - You know there is a hole in the street yet you walk down the street anyway and fall in the hole and you're mad at yourself.
4th day - You walk down that street again and fall into that same hole out of habit.
5th, 6th & 7th day - Same thing.
8th day - You decide to go down another street. You like it. You're happy and Love that route.
9th day - You go down the old street and fall into the hole.
What has this story have to do with starting new habits? Look at yourself and see what you do out of habit that hurts yourself. When you purposely hurt yourself you hurt others. Now look at the things you do that make you feel good. When you're feeling good you make/help others feel good. Work diligently on things that make you feel your best then use that to make others feel their best. It will become habitual. You will then start walking down the beautiful street out of habit and work on keeping others from walking down the street with the hole and steer them down the beautiful path.
Isn't it strange on how we can make it so easy to develop bad habits and so difficult to develop the good ones when it should be the other way around.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vitamin K2 & Blood Pressure

Uncle Chuckie, do vitamin k2 help lower blood pressure?

There are three different types of vitamin K; vitamin K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K1 & K2 are natural and K3 is synthetic and should be avoided.
Vitamin K2 will help to lower blood pressure as does K1. Good vegetable sources of Vitamin K2 are; natto (fermented soybeans from Japan) and sauerkraut. Cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach, swiss chard, green peas, wheat, oatmeal, rye & safflower and good sources of vitamin K1 which converts to vitamin K2 in the body. Animal sources of vitamin K2 are goose liver & leg, chicken (breast, liver & leg), calf's liver, salmon and mackerel. Dairy products like soft and hard cheese, egg yokes, low fat milk & butter from grass fed cows not grain fed cows are good sources of vitamin K2. Not only is vitamin K (1 & 2) good to lower blood pressure, vitamin K is also has blood clotting qualities, binds with calcium to increase bone density and detoxification of the liver. Antibiotics interfere with the absorbtion of vitamin K.
Me personally I would not use the animal sources for vitamin K2 especially the livers of animals. If liver detoxes the body it also hold a lot of toxins from the body.
Scroll down and read the post Blood Pressure & Stroke for more tips on lowering your blood pressure.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Speed Metabolism to Lose Weight

Uncle Chuckie, how can I speed up my metabolism to help me lose this weight. I exercise and the fat will not come off.

First, stop dieting and change your diet. Cut down your meat and dairy eating. More so try to eliminate red meats from your diet and eliminate fast foods.
You can start by cleaning out your colon. There is a product I like called Organic Total Body Cleanse by Renew Life. It will cleanse your blood, liver and colon. A product by Michael's called Fat Metabolism Factors will help you lose fat. I like it because it has chickweed leaf and kelp. Chickweed will help rid your body of fat and kelp has iodine to help your thyroid gland. Do the total body cleanse first then get the fat metabolism factor. If you have a colonic, ask them to put chlorophyll in the water. Solaray has a product called Cayenne & Ginger that will help clean your blood and digestive system and boost your metabolism and give you energy. Green tea will boost the metabolism too. Yogi has a green tea energy tea. Drink plenty of water preferably distilled and/or alkaline. Plenty of fruits (apples, pears, grapefruit, black and blue berries and strawberries) and vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale and parsley) and oatmeal. You can use omega oils like flaxseed, sunflower and safflower oils. Use olive oil too. Eat plenty of fish (tuna, salmon, halibut), beans and nuts (almonds, pistashios, walnuts, cashews, etc.)
Continue to do light exercise and plenty of protein. A good protein bar is from Garden of Life called fucoProtein bar. It has protein and helps fight fat. I like a protein drink from Odwella. Naked and Bolthouse also have good protein drinks.
Relax. Have confidence in yourself and know that you will lose the weight and feel and look better. And body massages will help circulate your blood and loosen the fat to help your body dispose of it.