Uncle Chuckie, I heard that you really don't need a marriage license to get married. Is that true?
Yes, it is true. A license is not needed to have a legal marriage. Let's look at the meaning of these words or phrases;
Marriage - to join as husband and wife(Webster's dictionary); legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife(Black's law dictionary); a divine institution, designed to form a permanent union between man and woman that they might be helpful to one another(Unger's bible dictionary); a man leaves his father and mother and becomes united to his wife and they become one flesh(Gen. 2:24).
License - formal or legal permission to do something specified(Wester's dictionary); the permission by competent authority to do an act which, without permission, would be illegal, a trespass or a tort(Black's law dictionary).
Marriage license - a license or permission granted by public authority to persons who intend to intermarry, usually addressed to the minister or magistrate who is to perform the ceremony(Black's law dictionary).
Intermarry - to become connected by marriage of different clans, races, etc.(Webster's dictionary); mixture of races, marriage between persons of different races(Black's law dictionary).
The only thing that is needed for a legal marriage along with the couple(man and woman), is a minister, two witnesses and their signatures in the family bible. The minister need to complete a marriage certificate and give a copy to the married couple and the state.
If there is a license, you are not only marrying your mate you are also marrying the state. That's why the state has jurisdiction over your family life during that marriage. If you go for a marriage license the state has the right to tell you if can marry your mate or not.
You have a spiritual right to marry and you don't need to get permission from the state to perform God given right.
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