Uncle Chuckie, why isn't anything going right for me? Why do I keep ending up doing the wrong thing? Why do I always end up with the wrong guys that hurt me? Why is GOD still punishing me?
Why don't you like me?
What do you mean, why don't I like you? I Love you Uncle Chuckie.
I did not say Love, I said like. The Father has forgiven you for all the things you have done as soon as you asked Him to. You haven't forgiven yourself. You don't like what you see in the mirror. You don't like the pictures you take because you are in them. You would rather take a shower than to take a bath, because if you take a bath you can see your whole unclothed body and despise yourself even more.
That's what I meant when I said that you don't like me. How can you like me or anyone if you don't like yourself? People say, "I Love my family, my mother, my...". What's Love got to do with it? You can Love forever, however, like is the operative word. If you don't Love you, you cannot Love anything. It is the same with like. Stop beating yourself up. It will never end until you stop beating yourself down and start liking you. If you don't like you, you will find ways, unconsciously, to continue to hurt you. When you hurt you, you hurt the ones you Love. Stop it, and stop it now! It will never come together until you start liking you, never. And it is not the truth. The truth is what you make it.
The first thing to do is quit with the negativity, "It's bittersweet because, blah, blah, blah." Do good things and let what happens happen. If you continue to use negativity, you might as well stop doing good things. Good things are not negative, so don't make it out to be because it will no longer be good. Look in the mirror and see what others see. Stop seeing what you want to see, your punishment. Stop punishing yourself for nothing, let it all go. Nobody always make the best decisions. Look at what we see in you. You might think it's a charade, it's not. What's a charade is what you see in the mirror every morning. It is not you, it is what you punish yourself to be. Stop that! Live! Live now! You say that if you change your environment that you might feel better and be able to live. Remember, where ever you go, you are there. So, if you are not going to change how you feel about you, stay where you are and continue to punish yourself from there. Don't go somewhere else so you can continue to punish you from a different place. We know the real you. You find the real you and live the real you. The world will punish us enough, we do not need to give it any help.
Some who don't like themselves do the opposite of what you are doing. Since they don't like themselves, unconsciously, they find a way to make others not like them also. They become too critical of things, they try to make others feel guilty about things, they complain about almost everything and they wait for others to, not only feel bad about what they did or did not do, they unconsciously want them to not like them for complaining and being critical all the time.
Once you start liking you everything will start falling into place. Not only do I Love you, I like you. Positivity needs to take over your life. Once you let your mind overrule your Heart, everything fell apart. The mind must bow to the Heart. They must work together, with the Heart slightly ahead of the mind. The Father speaks to you through your Heart, listen and obey. You are Beautiful. Find that Beauty and bask in it. You have a Beautiful Heart, don't hide it behind your mind. Let it glow the way we see it now. If you let the flame die, then where would we all be? We need, not only your Love, we need you to like you the way we we do. Positivity is the way to go. Negativity sees a tree that fell onto another tree. Positivity sees a tree catching a falling tree to keep it from hitting the ground.
Like you, I do.