Uncle Chuckie, the doctor said he found lump in my lymph node. Pray for me, because of everything I’ve been through.
The lymphatic system is part of your defense system, that is made up of a intricate network of vessels, valves and nodes that carry lymph fluid and help remove toxins from the body. Lymph fluid circulates through the lymphatic system, bathe the tissues and also feeds the cells, carrying nutrients through the bloodstream. Lymph nodes purify the lymph fluid and also serves as filters for toxins throughout the body trapping poisons, attacking bad bacteria, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. An over-accumulation of toxins in the lymph nodes can result in swollen glands and/or lymphatic cancer. Lymph nodes are different sizes. Some as small as pinheads, and others as large as lima beans. Lymph fluid flows into the lymph nodes through vessels.
When the lymph nodes are clogged they cannot release toxins from the body.
We need to clean the lymphatic system and the blood periodically. The blood can be cleaned by itself, however, you should not clean the lymphatic system without cleaning the blood with it. While cleaning the lymphatic system, you are releasing the nodes of toxins, and the toxins(viruses, bad bacteria, etc.) goes into the bloodstream, so you must clean the blood also. Herbs good for lymphatic cleansing are; Octillo, Yellowdock root, Lobelia, Black Walnut, Dandelion root, Wild Indigo root and Oregon Grape to name a few.
The first thing is a change of diet. Work on going vegan. Avoid meats, mainly red meats, dairy, processed foods, refined foods such as white sugar, white flour, white rice, salt. No carbonated beverages. No alcoholic beverages and tap water should be avoided too. The best water to drink during detoxifying is alkaline followed by distilled. The best things to eat are raw, organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Foods that help cleanse the lymphatic system are: dark green vegetables, onions, garlic, ginger, seaweeds (kelp & kombu), wheatgrass juice, raw cranberry juice, flax seeds and omega 3 foods.
When it comes to personal hygiene, go earth friendly. No antiperspirants, commercial brand soaps, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, cologne and perfumes. I love black soaps(DuDu Osun & Nubian Heritage are my favorites) If you try DuDu Osun, use a dark towel, because it will turn your towel brown. The deodorants I like are Lāfes Natural and Organic(my favorite) and Nature’s Gate Organics. Use oils like sweet almond, grapeseed, apricot, sunflower, extra virgin olive oil, jojoba and vitamin E. You can also use these oils for your hair, works great. Shea Butter is also great for the skin and hair. If you will not eat it then don’t put in on you skin. Stay away from mineral oils, it clogs the pores. Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps are great not just for the body, the liquid soaps are great for shampoos. Jason’s also makes good organic soaps. Use non-fluoride toothpaste. Jason makes and excellent non-fluoride toothpaste and Tom’s make great non-fluoride toothpaste also.
Massages are very helpful in reversing lymphatic disorders. Lymphatic massage incorporates deep tissue cleansing due to the pressure used. Try to put lymphatic/deep tissue massages in your regime as often as possible.
Exercise is very important, because unlike the blood that has two pumps, the heart and the lungs, to cause it to circulate it ten times a minute, the lymph does not have a pump, so your movement is necessary and vital for lymphatic circulation. A good lymphatic system only circulates the body once a day so it do not need to be sluggish. The best and simplest exercise in the world is walking. A nice brisk walk for at least 1-5 miles a day is great. The second best is cycling. Stationary bikes are good, however, it is nothing like riding out into the world and breathing The Father’s fresh air and being closer to the rest of His creations. The more you move, the more the lymphs nodes circulate and the easier it is for the body to keep them clean.
If you go to the months of March(for the kidneys), May(colon & liver) & Nov. (cancer) in my blog, it will have suggestions for cleansing products to help in your quest. I feel you should use them all.
Keep me posted.
Peace & Love Forever!